
Locate your family members without calling them at all time!

Funa Family Locator allows you to locate your family members and friends in real time.

Now you will have a peace of mind knowing that your loved ones have safely arrived at a destination.

Funa - Family Locator

Key Features




Allow users to update their facebook status and at the same time receive their friends' latest update via SMS.

fb2mobile also offer users to upload their photo to their very own Facebook profile or album via MMS.


Useful guide

SMS F to 23223

RM1/week (Price exclusive of 6% GST) with unlimited SMS updates & alerts apply.

For more info, please visit fb2m.nplay.com.my


Allow twitter users to tweet through SMS. User also can follow friends, celebrities and others with this twitter SMS.

You can use this service even without a Twitter account!

Twitter SMS

Useful guide

SMS START to 28933

RM1/week (Price exclusive of 6% GST) with unlimited tweet.


Allow users to receive the latest facebook photo and update of their favourite artists, news, gag and many more via MMS.

For more channels send MENU to 23223.


Useful guide

Send On Kpop to 23223 Send On Artist to 23223
Send On Gag to 23223 Send On Girl to 23223


Kiddie Care service allows parents to view their kids browsing history; list of applications installed on smartphone and set a specific time period for their kids to use their smartphone.

In addition, Kiddie Care service will automatically block kids from browsing malicious websites (e.g. pornographic, gambling, violent etc.), and running harmful applications on their smartphone.

Currently Kiddie Care system blocks a total number of 7 million malicious web sites and applications and counting.

Kiddie Care

Useful guide/tips

Send ON KC to 22566 and download the Android application now!

RM3 monthly subscription (Price exclusive of 6% GST) for every monitored device.

More info at www.kiddiecare.com.my


Leave voice messages on your Facebook profile or post it on your friend’s profile wall. Talk2FB is a service that lets you record your voice and automatically post it on Facebook.


Useful guide/tips

How to use

  • Subscribe to Fb2Mobile. Send ON FB to 23223 or Dial *200# -> Select 5 Social Networking -> Select 4 Facebook SMS -> Subscribe 1
  • Complete the Fb2Mobile registration in Facebook to link to your account
  • Dial *23223
  • Follow instruction and record your voice message
  • Confirm voice message and end the call
  • Listen to your voice post in Facebook


Virtual SIM solution allows Mobile Operator’s subscribers to make and receive calls and SMS (optional) via a mobile application client.

The application clients take advantage of the existing data connectivity over cellular or WiFi networks for enabling VoIP communication.

Virtual SIM

Useful guide/tips